Recently Completed D.G.P.S. Surveys
We have completed more than 30 D.G.P.S. Surveys, major among them are

We have completed more than 30 D.G.P.S. Surveys, major among them are

Our Drilling Projects are as follows:
We have total experience of more than 7000m exploratory drilling, in various geological formations.
We have total experience of more than 7000m exploratory drilling, in various geological formations.
We have more than 100 Approved Mining Plans of both mechanized and semi-mechanized mines, including Modified Mining Plans, PMCP, FMCP, major among them are:
We have more than 30 Mining Plans including Modified Mining Plans, PMCP, FMCP, running; major among them are:
Mining plans & Schemes at present under process
We have more than 30 Mining Plans including Modified Mining Plans, PMCP, FMCP, running; major among them are:
Some of Our Prospecting Projects
we have completed more than 100 PL & exploration
we have completed more than 100 PL & exploration

Coming Soon!!!